Adoration Guide


The priest enters with the Blessed Sacrament under his cloak, we kneel out of respect for our Lord, our King, who has entered the Church.

As the priest places the Eucharist in the monstrance, we sing a solemn prayer:

O salutaris Hostia

Quae caeli pandis ostium;

Bella premunt hostilia,

Da robur, fer auxillium.

Uni trinoque Domino

Sit sempiterna gloria,

Qui vitam sine termino

Nobis donet in patria.  Amen.

As we begin to adore our Lord present before us, we take some time to prepare our hearts to receive Jesus. 

We may pray silently ... 

O Jesus, I adore thee who in thy love divine conceal thy mighty Godhead in forms of bread and wine.

R.: O Sacrament most holy, O Sacrament divine, all praise and all thanksgiving be every moment thine!

O Jesus, I adore thee, our Victim and our Priest, whose precious blood and body become our sacred feast. R.

O Jesus, I adore thee, our Savior and our King, and with the saints and angels my humble homage bring. R.

O Jesus, I adore thee; come, live in me, I pray, that all my thoughts and actions be thine alone today. R.

O come, all you who labor in sorrow and in pain; come, eat this bread from heaven, your peace and strength regain. R.

We may ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us that we might receive Jesus.

Breathe into me, Holy Spirit, 

that my thoughts may all be holy. 

Move in me, Holy Spirit, 

that my work, too, may be holy. 

Attract my heart, Holy Spirit, 

that I may love only what is holy. 

Strengthen me, Holy Spirit, 

that I may defend all that is holy. 

Protect me, Holy Spirit, 

that I may always be holy.

(St. Augustine)


Sometimes, it may feel like we are wading through quicksand and that we are too broken or messed up for God to love us, but this is is a lie. In His infinite goodness, God thirsts for us. He reaches out to us in our difficulty, calling out to us like a lighthouse on the horizon. Often we may not hear him, though, as we are weighed down by sin or worldly attachments. But once again, God reaches out. Through the Sacrament of Confession, He reaches out with open arms and - like a patient father, He warmly remarks, "Let's start over. I don't want to fight anymore. Let's be friends."

The Return of the Prodigal Son | Rembrandt van Rijn | 1667


Here are four ideas of meditations for during Adoration.

Lectio Divina

Select a brief passage of Scripture and spend some time prayerfully reading it. What does God want to reveal to you through it?

Today's Mass Readings

The Rosary

Pray the Rosary slowly, taking the time to see Jesus through Mary's eyes.

How to pray the Rosary

Freestyle Prayer

Spend some time listening to God or tell Him what's on your heart. Practice letting go and letting God.


Offer your time in Adoration for someone in need. 

The Annunciation | Henry Ossawa Tanner | 1898

" If I had understood that in this tiny palace of my soul, such a great King is living, I would not have left Him alone so often."

- St. Teresa of Avila


Tantum ergo Sacramentum 

Veneremur cernui,

Et antiquum documentum 

Novo cedat ritui;

Praestet fides supplementum 

Sensuum defectfui.

Genitori Gentioque

Laus et jubilatio,

Salus, honor, virtus quoque 

Sit et benedictio; 

Procedenti ab utroque 

Compar sit laudatio. Amen.

Priest/Deacon: (prayer)

ALL: Having all sweetness within it 

Priest/Deacon: (prayer)

ALL: Amen.

The Divine Praises:

Blessed be God.

... his holy name.

...Jesus Christ, true God and true man. ...the name of Jesus.

...his most Sacred Heart.

...his most Precious Blood.

...Jesus in the most holy sacrament of the altar.

... the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete.

...the great Mother of God, Mary most holy. ...her holy and Immaculate Conception. ...her glorious Assumption.

...the name of Mary, virgin and Mother.

...St. Joseph, her most chaste spouse. ...God in his angels and in his saints.


Closing Hymn

Holy God, we praise thy name; 

Lord of all, we bow before thee; 

All on earth they scepter claim; 

All in heaven above adore thee. 

Infinite they vast domain, 

Everlasting is thy reign!