

If you are discerning a vocation, don’t discern alone! Reach out to Fr. Jon Reardon to talk more at or 413-452-0503 or visit for more information.

Fishers of Men, Grassroots Films

Scivias Trailer

The Neuroscience of Pornography: Brain Addiction and Detox | Dr. Donald Hilton at SIU 2020

Theology of His Body

Jason Evert

Theology of Her Body

Jason Evert

Ryan T. Anderson - When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment

Witness to Love

Fr. Mike Schmitz

Damon Owens

Bishop Barron

Intro to Discernment of Spirits

Fr. Timothy Gallagher OMV

4 Helpful Rules for Discernment

Fr. Mike Schmitz

Interior Freedom

Fr. Jacques Philippe

Consecration to St. Joseph

Consecration to Mary

Consecration to Divine Mercy